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নলবাৰীৰ জাপি শিল্পীসকললৈ উপযুক্ত সন্মান

Start Date: 04-01-2021
End Date: 31-01-2024
অসমৰ লোক সংস্কৃতিৰ এক অন্যতম পৰিচয় হৈছে জাপি ৷ অসমৰ জাতীয় জীৱনৰ প্ৰতীক জাপি শিল্পৰ সৈতে জড়িত থলুৱা শিল্পীসকলক আৰ্থিক সুৰক্ষা প্ৰদানৰ লগতে এই উদ্যোগটোৰ উন্নয়নৰ উদ্দেশ্যে অসম চৰকাৰে শেহতীয়াকৈ মুখ্যমন্ত্ৰী থলুৱা উদ্যোগ বিকাশ আঁচনিৰ অধীনত অৰ্থ সাহায্য আগবঢ়াইছে ৷ চৰকাৰৰ এই পদক্ষেপে নলবাৰীৰ মুগকুছি গাঁৱৰ থলুৱা শিল্পীসকলৰ জীৱনলৈ কঢ়িয়াই আনিছে আশাৰ বতৰা ৷
সকলো মন্তব্য
আলাপ আলোচনা
এই কথা-বাৰ্তাৰ বাবে মন্তব্য স্থগিত ৰখা হৈছে
35 তথ্য পোৱা গ’ল

BrahmDevYadav 1 বছৰ 8 হিচাপপূৰ্বে

What are the examples of bamboo art?
Bamboo crafts are craft items made from bamboo.
1.Bamboo furniture.
2.Bamboo placemats and coasters.
3.Bamboo clothing and other bamboo fabric items.
4.Bamboo toys.
5.Bamboo bowls and craft boxes.
6.Bamboo wind chimes.
7.Bamboo birdfeeders and nesting boxes.
8.Bamboo lamps and lanterns.


BrahmDevYadav 1 বছৰ 8 হিচাপপূৰ্বে

Who is the artist of bamboo craft?
Hayakawa Shokusai:-
Perhaps most significantly, the Shokusai family extended their bamboo artistry for several generations, carrying the tradition through time and inspiring and influencing many other artists to practice and continue the careful art of bamboo making.


BrahmDevYadav 1 বছৰ 8 হিচাপপূৰ্বে

What are uses of bamboo?
Bamboo has many uses, mainly in construction (flooring, roofing designing, and scaffolding), furniture, food, biofuel, fabrics, cloth, paper, pulp, charcoal, ornamental garden planting, and environmental characteristics such as a large carbon sink and good phytoremediation option, improving soil structure and soil.


BrahmDevYadav 1 বছৰ 8 হিচাপপূৰ্বে

What is the art of Assam?
The medieval painters used locally manufactured painting materials such as the colours of hangool and haital. The medieval Assamese literature also refers to chitrakars and patuas. Traditional Assamese paintings have been influenced by the motifs and designs in the medieval works such as the Chitra Bhagawata.


BrahmDevYadav 1 বছৰ 8 হিচাপপূৰ্বে

What is bamboo craft?
Bamboo Craft Traditional crafts using bamboo as raw material. Rural people in general are both producers and consumers of this product. Bamboo has manifold uses, its low cost making it the primary material for articles of everyday use such as stools, mats, baskets, traps as well as decorative items.


BrahmDevYadav 1 বছৰ 8 হিচাপপূৰ্বে

Japi finds a prominent place in the Assamese socio-cultural way of life. It is deeply connected with Bihu. Mention of Japi can be found in both Bihu dance and Bihu folk songs. At present, Fulam Japi has turned into a cultural symbol of Assam on a global platform.


BrahmDevYadav 1 বছৰ 8 হিচাপপূৰ্বে

There are various types of Japi such as Bor Japi, Tupi Japi, Uka Japi or Haluwa Japi, Sorudaya Japi or Fulam Japi, etc. Owing to its huge demand in the market, Fulam Japi is made in large numbers by the skilled Japi makers. Among the various types of Japis, the most popular one is the Fulam Japi or the Sorudaya Japi. It is made of small smooth sticks of bamboo. It is widely used in Bihu dance and as a decorative piece in the drawing room of the house.


BrahmDevYadav 1 বছৰ 8 হিচাপপূৰ্বে

Japi making is an indigenous cottage industry of Assam. They are made of bamboo/cane and palm leaves (tokou).The craft of Japi making is quite popular in the rural areas of Assam state. Government should give the financial assistance to the artists of Zappi for growth of domestic industry.