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কেৰিয়াৰ সম্পৰ্কীয় পৰামৰ্শৰ বাবে MyGov Assam লৈ প্ৰশ্ন প্ৰেৰণৰ আহ্বান

Start Date: 19-07-2018
End Date: 31-07-2021

একবিংশ শতিকা হৈছে শিক্ষাৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত ন ন কেৰিয়াৰ উদ্ভাৱন আৰু ...

বিতং তথ্য চাওক বিতং তথ্য গোপন কৰক

একবিংশ শতিকা হৈছে শিক্ষাৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত ন ন কেৰিয়াৰ উদ্ভাৱন আৰু শিক্ষাগ্ৰহণৰ এক নতুন সময়। সময়ৰ লগে লগে ছাত্ৰ-ছাত্ৰী সকলৰ বাবে পৰম্পৰাগত বিষয়বস্তুৰ বাহিৰেও নতুন নতুন কেৰিয়াৰৰ বাট মুকলি হৈছে। যদিও ছাত্ৰ-ছাত্ৰী সকলে নিজা প্ৰিয় বিষয়বস্তু সমূহত অধ্যয়নৰ পোষকতা কৰে তথাপি মাজে সময়ে বিভিন্ন কেৰিয়াৰ সম্পৰ্কে মনত এক খু-দুৱনি থাকি যায়। এই খু-দুৱনিবোৰে ছাত্ৰ-ছাত্ৰীসকলৰ মনত এক অনিশ্চয়তাৰ ভাৱ জগাই কৰি তোলে যিয়ে ভৱিষ্যতৰ বিভিন্ন ক্ষেত্ৰত বিৰূপ প্ৰভাৱ পেলায়।
সময় এতিয়া নতুন শিক্ষাবৰ্ষ আৰম্ভ হোৱাৰ। ছাত্ৰ-ছাত্ৰী সকলৰ বাবে এক ব্যস্ততাৰ সময়, সঠিক সময়ত সঠিক কেৰিয়াৰ সিদ্ধান্ত গ্ৰহণ কৰাৰ। ছাত্ৰ-ছাত্ৰী সকলক সহায়ৰ হাত আগবঢ়াই এক সঠিক কেৰিয়াৰ সিদ্ধান্ত লোৱাত সহায় কৰিবলৈ জনতাৰ চৰকাৰ MyGov Assam য়ে ছাত্ৰ ছাত্ৰী সকলৰ পৰা বিচাৰিছে যিকোনো ধৰণৰ কেৰিয়াৰ সম্পৰ্কীয় প্ৰশ্ন। এই প্ৰশ্ন সমূহৰ উত্তৰ দিব বিভিন্ন ক্ষেত্ৰৰ আমাৰ কেৰিয়াৰ বিশেষজ্ঞ সকলে। ইয়াৰ জৰিয়তে ছাত্ৰ-ছাত্ৰীসকলে সঠিক পৰামৰ্শ লাভৰ জৰিয়তে কেৰিয়াৰৰ ক্ষেত্ৰখনত সফলতা লাভ কৰিব বুলি আমি দৃঢ়বিশ্বাসী। ছাত্ৰ-ছাত্ৰী সকলে কেৰিয়াৰ সম্পৰ্কীয় যিকোনো প্ৰশ্ন আমালৈ লিখি পঠিয়াব পাৰে তলৰ মন্তব্য শিতানত।

সকলো মন্তব্য
96 তথ্য পোৱা গ’ল

Madhurjya Sharma 4 বছৰ 1 monthপূৰ্বে

Respected CM Sir,
I request you to create an eco-army.
Eco-army would plant valuable trees and they can be given small salary (6-7K)
A strong eco-army would make Assam green again.
Flood of Assam can be controlled.
It would provide employment.
The tree products can help gain revenue.
Trees: Bamboo, Jute, Banana, Lemon, Orange,etc


Amit Devendra Ojha 4 বছৰ 5 হিচাপপূৰ্বে

iT tasks of a public counselling and guidance centre include:

conducting assessments/making diagnosis for children and young people;
issuing statements/opinions and certificates concerning education for children and young people;
providing direct support to pupils/students and their parents;
problem-prevention activities and tasks supporting the educational function of (nursery)


Amit Devendra Ojha 4 বছৰ 5 হিচাপপূৰ্বে

he assessment of pupils’/students’ individual developmental and educational needs and their psychological and physical abilities in order to identify: their strengths, predispositions, interests and aptitudes or talents; and reasons behind academic failure or difficulties in functioning, including barriers and constraints which make it difficult for the pupil/student to function and participate in the life of the (nursery) or institution;
providing psychological and educational support.


Amit Devendra Ojha 4 বছৰ 5 হিচাপপূৰ্বে

he assessment of pupils’/students’ individual developmental and educational needs and their psychological and physical abilities in order to identify: their strengths, predispositions, interests and aptitudes or talents; and reasons behind academic failure or difficulties in functioning, including barriers and constraints which make it difficult for the pupil/student to function and participate in the life of the (nursery) or institution;
providing psychological and educational support.


Amit Devendra Ojha 4 বছৰ 5 হিচাপপূৰ্বে

A public counselling and guidance centre provides psychological and educational support free of charge.

The managing body of a centre determines its catchment area.

Counselling and guidance centres offer services to:

children from birth,
young people,
nursery schools, schools and other educational institutions.


Amit Devendra Ojha 4 বছৰ 5 হিচাপপূৰ্বে

A public counselling and guidance centre provides psychological and educational support free of charge.

The managing body of a centre determines its catchment area.

Counselling and guidance centres offer services to:

children from birth,
young people,
nursery schools, schools and other educational institutions.


Amit Devendra Ojha 4 বছৰ 5 হিচাপপূৰ্বে

A public counselling and guidance centre provides psychological and educational support free of charge.

The managing body of a centre determines its catchment area.

Counselling and guidance centres offer services to:

children from birth,
young people,
nursery schools, schools and other educational institutions.


Bhawna 4 বছৰ 5 হিচাপপূৰ্বে

the assessment of pupils’/students’ individual developmental and educational needs and their psychological and physical abilities in order to identify: their strengths, predispositions, interests and aptitudes or talents; and reasons behind academic failure or difficulties in functioning, including barriers and constraints which make it difficult for the pupil/student to function and participate in the life of the (nursery) or institution;
providing psychological and educational support.


Bhawna 4 বছৰ 5 হিচাপপূৰ্বে

The responsibilities of psychologists in (nursery) schools and other educational institutions include in particular:

conducting assessments and diagnostic examination for pupils/students, including the assessment of their individual developmental and educational needs and their psychological and physical abilities; this aims to identify their strengths, predispositions, interests and aptitudes or talents, and reasons behind academic failure or difficulties in functioning,