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Let's create a healthy environment for the girl children where they can grow without any discrimination

Start Date: 22-01-2019
End Date: 31-12-2022

At a time, when people are championing equality for girl children, a section of the society still regards the girl child as a liability. The thinking that boys deserve more than ...

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At a time, when people are championing equality for girl children, a section of the society still regards the girl child as a liability. The thinking that boys deserve more than girls arises from our age-old societal construct. Cases of female foeticide, violation of basic human rights, physical and mental abuse, gender inequality, etc., are still prevalent and yet to be fully erased.
It is our duty to create a healthy environment for the girl children where they can grow without any fear and humiliation. A girl with proper access to resources today will become an empowered woman tomorrow. She should be able to pursue her dreams without any inhibitions.

On the occasion of National Girl Child Day, MyGov Assam seeks your suggestions on how can the various stakeholders contribute toward all round development of the girl children? Do you think the society is still lagging behind in ensuring safety for the girls? What are some steps you believe could help spread awareness toward safeguarding rights, dignity and aspirations of the girl child?

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397 Record(s) Found

MANASH BARMAN 1 year 4 months ago

Empowerment of girl child starts from home, where they are given equal opportunities like the boys in the house. It boosts their confidence to stand tall in a broader area. The education at school needs to be equal both the boys and the girls so that they are not left out in gaining knowledge and building courage to live a better and healthy life.


PriyambanaPathak 1 year 4 months ago

Empowerment of girl child starts from home, where they are given equal opportunities like the boys in the house. It boosts their confidence to stand tall in a broader area. The education at school needs to be equal both the boys and the girls so that they are not left out in gaining knowledge and building courage to live a better life.


BidhanDahal 1 year 4 months ago

बच्चे देश का भविष्य हैं। और लड़कियां समस्त सृष्टि की जननी हैं, इसलिए लड़कियों को शिक्षा सहित हर क्षेत्र में समान अधिकार दिए जाने चाहिए। प्रदान करने का


Mosbin Rohman 1 year 4 months ago

It is the duty and responsibility of every individual to provide quality education to the children.They are our future generation who are going to shoulder the responsibility of the entire nation. It is the equal responsibility of the government to ensure about their health condition, education and parents financial status by ensuring the earning source


yogendralochib 1 year 4 months ago

It is unfortunately true that society still lags behind in ensuring safety for girls in many places around the world. Some steps that could help spread awareness and safeguard the rights, dignity, and aspirations of the girl child include:

Education and awareness campaigns: These can be used to educate people about the importance of girl's education and rights, and the negative impacts of discrimination and violence against girls. i write a complete list here -


Jyotirekha Kakoti 1 year 4 months ago

শিশু হৈছে দেশৰ ভৱিষ্যত। আৰু কন্যা সন্তান হৈছে গোটেই সৃষ্টিৰ জননী, গতিকে কন্যা সন্তানক শিক্ষাৰ লগতে প্ৰতিটো ক্ষেত্ৰত সমান অধিকাৰ দিয়া উচিত। প্ৰদান কৰাৰ


Jyotirekha Kakoti 1 year 4 months ago

শিশু হৈছে দেশৰ ভৱিষ্যত। আৰু কন্যা সন্তান হৈছে গোটেই সৃষ্টিৰ জননী, গতিকে কন্যা সন্তানক শিক্ষাৰ লগতে প্ৰতিটো ক্ষেত্ৰত সমান অধিকাৰ দিয়া উচিত। প্ৰদান কৰাৰ


Nayan Jyoti Gowala 1 year 4 months ago

আমাৰ সমাজত আজিও কৰবাত নহয় কৰবাত কন্যা শিশুতকৈ পুৰুষ সন্তানক বেছি প্ৰাধান্য দিয়া দেখা যায় । কিন্তু পুৰুষ মহিলা বুলি কেৱল শৰীৰৰ বাদে কতোৱে কম পৃথক বুলি কব নোৱাৰি। শিক্ষাই হওক সমাজ গঢ় দিয়াই হওক বা কৰ্ম ক্ষেত্ৰতেই হওক ইত্যাদি মহিলা কোনোতেই পিছপৰা নহয় বৰঞ্চ পুৰুষতকৈ আগবঢ়া বুলি কলেও ভুল কোৱা নহব । সেয়েহে পুৰুষৰ দৰে মহিলাকো সমমৰ্যদা,সমঅধিকাৰ,সমস্বাধীনতা দিয়া উচিত । অভিভাৱকৰ লগতে সমাজেও এই ক্ষেত্ৰত সহযোগীতা, গুৰুত্ব দিয়া উচিত। পুৰুষ মহিলা সমান মৰ্যদা দিয়াটো অতি প্ৰয়োজনীয় আৰু উচিত ।কন


NaziburRahman 1 year 4 months ago

A teacher should be like a friend and an trustworthy person with whom the students can discuss anything related to education. Education should be given to each and every student as it is their basic right.