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কনকলতা মহিলা সবলীকৰণ আঁচনিয়ে মোকলাইছে স্ব-নিৰ্ভৰশীলতাৰ বাট

Start Date: 04-01-2021
End Date: 31-01-2024
অসম চৰকাৰৰ কনকলতা মহিলা সবলীকৰণ আঁচনিয়ে বৰপেটা জিলাৰ চুলিয়াকাটা গাঁৱৰ মহিলাসকলৰ বাবে আশাৰ ৰেঙনি কঢ়িয়াই আনিলে ৷ এই আঁচনিৰ অধীনত গাঁওখনৰ কেইবাটাও মহিলা আত্মসহায়ক গোটে আৰ্থিক সাহায্য লাভ কৰি কৃষিকৰ্মত মনোনিৱেশ কৰিবলৈ লৈছে আৰু ইয়াৰ দ্বাৰা মহিলাসকলে আত্মনিৰ্ভৰশীলতাৰ দিশে আগবাঢ়ি যাবলৈ সক্ষম হৈছে ৷ আহক এটি ভিডিঅ'ৰ জৰিয়তে তেওঁলোকৰ কৃষিকৰ্মৰ বিষয়ে সবিশেষ জানো ৷
সকলো মন্তব্য
আলাপ আলোচনা
এই কথা-বাৰ্তাৰ বাবে মন্তব্য স্থগিত ৰখা হৈছে
91 তথ্য পোৱা গ’ল

BrahmDevYadav 2 বছৰ 5 হিচাপপূৰ্বে

Is banana farming easy?
Despite being a fairly straightforward process, there are some regulations around planting and transplanting banana trees that we need to keep in mind. Banana plants are highly susceptible to serious disease and must be bought from certified, government approved source.


BrahmDevYadav 2 বছৰ 5 হিচাপপূৰ্বে

What is the best soil for banana trees?
Banana trees thrive in well-drained soil. When looking for the right type of soil, consider ones with a good mix of peat, perlite and vermiculite. A cactus or palm tree soil mixture is an excellent choice for banana trees. We can purchase bags of this soil at most home and gardening stores.


BrahmDevYadav 2 বছৰ 5 হিচাপপূৰ্বে

What challenges do banana farmers face?
The main problems are attributed to lower temperatures that greatly extend the duration of the crop cycle and reduce yield per unit time and chilling damage to plants and fruit and associated abnormal bunch and fruit development. Fruit green life (transport life) can also be severely compromised.


BrahmDevYadav 2 বছৰ 5 হিচাপপূৰ্বে

How can I increase my banana production?
Calcium is needed to ensure vigorous root, leaf and sucker development, thereby providing high yields. Its effects are most important in ensuring high quality fruit with long term storage potential. Magnesium and sulfur have a direct effect on yield, increasing the number and weight of fruit per banana bunch.


BrahmDevYadav 2 বছৰ 5 হিচাপপূৰ্বে

How fast do banana trees grow?
Banana plants grow quickly and can reach their full height of 20-40 feet in only 9 months. After growing for about 6-8 months, the plant develops a nice crown of leaves. Then a flowering stem emerges from the top and a large bud begins to develop.