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CM's Financial Assistance to Bell-metal Artisans

Start Date: 04-01-2021
End Date: 31-01-2024
Under Mukhyamantri Udyog Vikas Achoni, bell-metal artisans of Sarthebari are given financial assistance of Rs 1crore for purchase of raw materials and uplift of their units.
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BrahmDevYadav 2 years 6 months ago

Government should create the employment for Bell metal Artisans, who are unemployed presently or government should give financial assistance to Artisans to generate self employment and develop the industry in the field of Bell Metal.


BrahmDevYadav 2 years 6 months ago

most of the villagers of Assam State are dependent on this bell metal industry. Their source of earning has been hit badly. Many of their children left for Kerala to do manual work but they too have lost work now due to COVID-19 pandemic situation. Education of their children has also been severely affected. So they all need some urgent financial assistance from the government of Assam as there is no hope of any early resumption of their work.


BrahmDevYadav 2 years 6 months ago

Benefits of Bell Metal:-
The copper in Bell metal makes the items germicidal depending upon the type and concentration of pathogens and the medium they are in, copper kills these micro organisms within a few minutes to hours of contact.


BrahmDevYadav 2 years 6 months ago

Is bell metal good for cooking?
It is widely used for cooking and eating utensils.


BrahmDevYadav 2 years 6 months ago

What metal has health benefits?


BrahmDevYadav 2 years 6 months ago

Is bell metal good for health?
As the awareness to discard plastic is rising, one of the most healthy options you can shift to is Kansa.


BrahmDevYadav 2 years 6 months ago

Which craft is popular in Assam?
The distinctive style has made Asarikandi an ethnic art brand in India. Asarikandi is also known for its sola pith craft,made from the soft core of a special kind of reed. Terracotta as a medium has dominated the handicraft scene of Assam since time immemorial.


BrahmDevYadav 2 years 6 months ago

Which property of metals is used for making bells?
Alloy metal is used for making bells and strings of musical instrument like sitar and violin due to its property of hardness and senorosity.