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Seeking Ideas, Projects & Suggestions for the Upliftment of Persons with Disability

Start Date: 10-11-2017
End Date: 05-12-2017

Social Welfare Department, Assam mandates to ensure proper care of the uncared, protection of the most vulnerable sections of the society, creating conducive environment for the ...

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Social Welfare Department, Assam mandates to ensure proper care of the uncared, protection of the most vulnerable sections of the society, creating conducive environment for the all round development of children, women and physically challenged persons. Along with the rest of the world, the department is going to observe International Day for Persons with Disabilities on December 3, 2017.

Persons with disabilities are still among the marginalised groups in the whole world as they have lower education accomplishments, poor health conditions, higher poverty rates and less economic engagement than people without disabilities. They are disabled by both their body as well as the society. So, the department is striving hard to bring about a visible change in this regard.

Keeping these aspects into consideration, the Social Welfare Department of Assam solicits suggestions, ideas and projects from the people in general on how Persons with Disabilities can be served better and empowered to ensure inclusive growth.

The best entries will be awarded with Cash Prizes:
Platinum Award: Rs 20,000
Gold Award: Rs 15,000
Silver Award: Rs 10,000

All Comments
Total Submissions ( 50) Approved Submissions (47) Submissions Under Review (3) Submission Closed.
47 Record(s) Found

DR BIRENDRA KUMAR NATH 6 years 5 months ago

1. Make a complete and comprehensive Data base of Disables In Assam
2. Many disabilities could be corrected if recognized them at the earliest either by parents or by doctors. So awareness especially of the mother about the normal developmental mile stones during routine antenatal check up by audio-visuals and other means is essential to detect them at the earliest.
.......Please see my PDF attachments.


Manikoot Barman 6 years 5 months ago

There must be a individual person to look after every individual person with disability and a little compensation must be provided to both. This person who will be helping the disabled can be a selected member from an NGO, helping organisations, etc. This is required so that the person having disability is not burdened to stay indoors for the rest of their lives. They also want to enjoy the outside world and they want to go to fairs,tourist places, temples, etc.


Shivam Ayengia 6 years 5 months ago

I am doing in Computer Science and Engineering from Tezpur University. I am now in 3rd year. I have got the scholarship in 2016 but I did not get this year.

I also do bodybuilding want to participate in state, national and international level.

So any kind of help and support would be appreciated.

Thank you


Neelav Sarma 6 years 5 months ago

My suggesions are -
1.A platform is needed for them to share their suggestions ,show their talents and to create a better environment for them.
2.Some financial help is needed to give them a little relif from financial insecurities,we can provide it to them by creating a better placement plan for them.
3.Social awareness is also needed.
4.A special education system with scholarships for them should be launched it will also help in creating more Human resources in our country.


Gajen Saikia 6 years 5 months ago

1.There are more than 1000 government departments, schools, college and university if every department adopt one disable child per year to help as social responsibility to uplift them and their families. This will reduce the problem by 0.1% every year.
2. All higher grade office should help one disable child have good education background.


Gajen Saikia 6 years 5 months ago

1.Government should create job like medical call centre where they address medical related problems this is for those persons who are not able to walk and blind with both eyes.
2. 24 hour CCTV security service where a group of people keep eyes on whole CCTV camera footage and provide feedback to police if some problem happen. This job is for those who can't walk and speak but able to write.
3. ASTC TICKET CENTRE service can help in providing job for those people.
4. Kisan call centre job.