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Unity and brotherhood in Dr Bhupen Hazarika's songs

Start Date: 08-09-2020
End Date: 20-09-2020

Sudhakantha Dr Bhupen Hazarika, the Bard of Brahmaputra, is one of Assam's unforgettable icons. The legacy of his work and ideals lingers on and shall stay alive until time ...

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ডঃ ভূপেন হাজৰিকাৰ গীতত একতা আৰু ভ্ৰাতৃত্ববোধৰ নিদৰ্শন

Sudhakantha Dr Bhupen Hazarika, the Bard of Brahmaputra, is one of Assam's unforgettable icons. The legacy of his work and ideals lingers on and shall stay alive until time immemorial in the heart of Assam. As an artist, he wore many hats. He was a singer, lyricist, musician, poet and much more. His work in every field is celebrated widely across the globe.

It is interesting to note that his songs imbue his ideals prominently. Probably, that is why his works resonate with millions and have stood the test of time. He was in and out a humanitarian and composed songs on peace, unity, equality, brotherhood and compassion. His works also centred around wide themes of patriotism, humanitarianism, communal harmony, love for nature, life struggles, history, politics, science, etc. On deeper analysis, one finds that his songs are not only specimens of lyrical acumen but carry societal ideals.

September 8 is the birth anniversary of the bard. On this occasion, MyGov Assam seeks opinion from all on the topic "Reflection of the ideals of unity and brotherhood in the works of Dr Bhupen Hazarika". Submit your entries in the comment section below.

Last date: September 20, 2020

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5 Record(s) Found

Susanta Kumar Pattnaik 4 years 5 months ago

Durring my student life I came across the gigantic personality Hajarika as a patriotic, singer, nature lover etc. His call for National integrity and sovereignty is incredible. He made people to mainframe of National theme. His ideology is simple and kindness is fill. His work towards uniting people and motivate people to participate in government program or to be in social flow and maintain positivity, develop good habits, modification in behavior, refining culture etc are ever highlighted


JAYANTA TOPADAR 4 years 5 months ago

चलिए, हम सब मिलकर सुधाकंठ डॉ. भूपेन हजारिका जी की कालजयी संगीतयात्रा का साक्षी बने...! इस नई को एक सुंदर एवं एकता व भातृत्व् बोध भरा भविष्य का साकार सपना दें।


JAYANTA TOPADAR 4 years 5 months ago

सुधाकंठ डॉ.भूपेन हजारिका जी के गीतों में एकता एवं विश्व भातृत्वबोध की अमिट छाप नज़र आता है।उनके संगीत में देश की मिट्टी की खुशबू और मातृभूमि एवं मातृभाषा 'असमीया' के प्रति गर्व का एहसास होता है।इस विश्व के कोने-कोने में उनकी आवाज़ बुलंद है हरेक कालजयी रचना में।उनको आज हमें हर हाल में इस नई पीढ़ी के रग-रग में बसाना है -- उनके सम्मान में संगीतानुष्ठान का आयोजन एवं संगीतचर्चा करना ज़रूरी है। इस राज्य की एवं इस भारत देश की मिट्टी में समाया है उनका तन-मन और सारा जीवन। चलिए, हम सब मिरकर रहें!