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Suggestions Invited For Large-Scale Rainwater Harvesting

Start Date: 01-07-2017
End Date: 30-07-2022

The average annual rainfall in Assam is 2818mm, of which Guwahati alone receives 1698mm. However, the impact of rainfall in the state is zonal and not uniform throughout the state. ...

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The average annual rainfall in Assam is 2818mm, of which Guwahati alone receives 1698mm. However, the impact of rainfall in the state is zonal and not uniform throughout the state. As a result some areas are inundated, others remain rain-deprived. At this point it is wise to invest in rain water harvesting.
Assam demonstrates huge potential for successful rainwater harvesting. If implemented on a larger scale, it could be instrumental in curbing problems like floods, soil erosion, drought, water scarcity, and water-logging. This apart, the collected water could also be used for various activities like agriculture, animal husbandry, infrastructural development etc.
Since Large-scale Rainwater Harvesting won’t be a reality without the active participation of citizen at large, Government of Assam solicits your valuable and innovative suggestions covering ways to take rainwater harvesting from domestic to public setups.

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#Assam, #MyGov, #Science&Technology, #RainWaterHarvesting
180 Record(s) Found

Dashrath 2 years 2 weeks ago

जलग्रहण <a href="">परियोजना</a> अपनाना
वर्षा जल को घर व विभागो की छत से जमीन बने टैंकर मे एकत्रित करना चाहिए।वर्षा जल को तोडने से रेंगना यानि वर्षा जल प्रवाह के बीच छोटे बांध बनाना। रेगते जल को चलना सिखाना मतलब वर्षा जल प्रवाह के बीच चेकडेम बनाना।चलते पानी को रुकना सीखाना का मतलब बर्षा जल एकत्रण संरचनात्मक भाग बनाना


Hanwant Singh Rathore 2 years 3 weeks ago

वर्षा जल को घर व विभागो की छत से जमीन बने टैंकर मे एकत्रित करना चाहिए।वर्षा जल को तोडने से रेंगना यानि वर्षा जल प्रवाह के बीच छोटे बांध बनाना। रेगते जल को चलना सिखाना मतलब वर्षा जल प्रवाह के बीच चेकडेम बनाना।चलते पानी को रुकना सीखाना का मतलब बर्षा जल एकत्रण संरचनात्मक भाग बनाना