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Slogan Writing Competition on the Occasion of Van Mahotsav
The 68th ‘Van Mohatsab’, the festival of tree will be celebrated throughout the state of Assam from July 1 to July 7, 2017. The week-long programmes include a large number of ...
The 68th ‘Van Mohatsab’, the festival of tree will be celebrated throughout the state of Assam from July 1 to July 7, 2017. The week-long programmes include a large number of sapling plantation along with massive awareness drive on aforestation and its impact on the society and sustainable ecological balance.
To attract, encourage and involve more and more people in this ‘Festival of Tree’ and also to make the ‘Van Mohatsav’ more popular among all sections of the society, the Forest Department of Assam organises a Slogan Writing Competition on the topic, ‘Forest wealth of Assam & its conservation for creating awareness’,for the citizen of Assam and solicits entries from the interested participants through the ‘MyGov Portal’ on or before July 7, 2017.
The best entries will be awarded with some exciting prizes
Last Date of Entry- July 7, 2017
Terms & Conditions:
•Slogan has to be based on the specified theme.
•Slogan has to be submitted in MSWord / JPEG/PNG/PDF/TIFF format.
•The slogan has to be typed in either English or Assamese and then uploaded.
•Images of slogans written in ink will not be considered.
•The entry must not contain any provocative, objectionable or inappropriate content
•The participant must be the same person who is the actual slogan maker (as the case
may be) and plagiarism/copy right infringement of others is prohibited and would be
•The slogans should be catchy and should not be more than 20 words
Toslima Nasrin 7 years 7 months ago
My slogan on the wealth of Assam
Submitted by:Toslima Nasrin
Dergaon ;Golaghat Assam
Contact :9859360756
Nirmala Singha 7 years 7 months ago
Respected Sir/Ma'am,
PFA the Slogan with respect to the Van Mahotsav.
With Best Regards,
Nirmala Singha
anupom borgohain 7 years 7 months ago
"গছে বনে শুৱনি অসমৰ ধুনীয়া ধৰনী
ইএ হৈছে আমাৰ জীৱন দায়নী"
anupom borgohain
sibsagar police colony
Sabita Talukdar 7 years 7 months ago
"swachcha bharat swachcha assam
amar lakshya vrikshya ropon"
anupom borgohain 7 years 7 months ago
"গছে বনে শুৱনি অসমৰ ধুনীয়া ধৰনী
ইএ হৈছে আমাৰ জীৱন দায়ী"
anupom borgohain
sibsagar police colony
Chayanika dutta 7 years 7 months ago
Dear Sir/ Madam please find the attachment
Purabi misra 7 years 7 months ago
প্ৰকৃতিৰ ৰাণী সেউজী অসমী।
ইয়াৰ উৰ্বৰা ভুমিত ৰোপণ কৰা গছপুলি।।
জীৱকুলৰ ৰক্ষণত ই জনাব সঁহাৰি।
সমাজখনওঁ ৰাখিব প্ৰদূষণমুক্ত কৰি।।
Bidipta Bikash Das 7 years 7 months ago
NAME: Bidipta Bikash Das
MOBILE NO. 9706002006
Sanjay Goswami 7 years 7 months ago
চিৰ সেউজী এই অসম ভৃমি। ইয়াতেই আছে বহু নৈ বন জুৰি।।
বনজ সম্পদত অতি চহকী ।
বৃক্ষৰোপণৰে গঢ়া ইয়াত আশাৰ ধৰণী।।
Kishan Chorei Tripura 7 years 7 months ago
Sir /madam,
I have attached my slogan below regarding the aforesaid subject