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Seeking Ideas, Projects & Suggestions for the Upliftment of Persons with Disability

Start Date: 10-11-2017
End Date: 05-12-2017

Social Welfare Department, Assam mandates to ensure proper care of the uncared, protection of the most vulnerable sections of the society, creating conducive environment for the ...

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Social Welfare Department, Assam mandates to ensure proper care of the uncared, protection of the most vulnerable sections of the society, creating conducive environment for the all round development of children, women and physically challenged persons. Along with the rest of the world, the department is going to observe International Day for Persons with Disabilities on December 3, 2017.

Persons with disabilities are still among the marginalised groups in the whole world as they have lower education accomplishments, poor health conditions, higher poverty rates and less economic engagement than people without disabilities. They are disabled by both their body as well as the society. So, the department is striving hard to bring about a visible change in this regard.

Keeping these aspects into consideration, the Social Welfare Department of Assam solicits suggestions, ideas and projects from the people in general on how Persons with Disabilities can be served better and empowered to ensure inclusive growth.

The best entries will be awarded with Cash Prizes:
Platinum Award: Rs 20,000
Gold Award: Rs 15,000
Silver Award: Rs 10,000

All Comments
Total Submissions ( 50) Approved Submissions (47) Submissions Under Review (3) Submission Closed.
47 Record(s) Found

NIVEDITA NATH 6 years 4 months ago

The initiative of the Social Welfare Department in the direction of bringing the marginalised section of the Indian society to the forefront really needs applause. Women, children, physically challenged persons are considered to be the weakest lots, incapable of taking independent decisions.I as a concerned citizen will look for an initiative through which firstly their grievances are redressed by immediate help in monetary forms and in the long run, through moral and rights based education..


Kongkon jyoti sarma bordolai 6 years 4 months ago

"বাধাগ্ৰষ্টতা কেতিয়াও সফলতাৰ হেঙাৰ হ'ব নোৱাৰে।"অৰুনিমা সিংহা,অস্কাৰ পিটাৰচনকে আদি কৰি অসমৰ শৰ্মিষ্ঠা প্ৰীতম,এইসকলে এই বাক্যষাৰ সঁচা বুলি প্ৰমান কৰিছে ।
আমাৰ সমাজত বহুলোকৰ শাৰীৰিক বাধাগ্ৰষ্টতা সফলতাৰ বাধা হৈ পৰে।মোৰ বোধেৰে তেওঁলোকক এনেধৰণে সহায় কৰিব পাৰি -
1.তেওঁলোকৰ নিজ সক্ষমতাখিনি জনাৰ সুযোগ দি
2.প্ৰেৰণাদায়ী বাক্য(motivational quote) শুনাই
3.ক্ষুদ্ৰ বেংক একাউন্ট খুলি দি
4.শাৰীৰিক বাধাগ্ৰষ্টসকলৰ সফলতাৰ কাহিনী কৈ আৰু যদি সম্ভৱ তেওঁঁলোকক লগ পোৱাৰ সুযোগ দি
তেওলোকক সহায় কৰিব পাৰো ।


Dipak Chandra Kalita 6 years 4 months ago

My suggestions for the empowerment of Persons with Disability are hereby attached in the jpg files.


lakhi bora 6 years 4 months ago

Sir,moi bikolanga lukor hoi kissuman Kotha kob bicharim...1/ Taolukor babe rajohuwa ssthanot "donation box" logai diya..2/ taolukor babe hikhya hunissitya kora,school,college,university hukiyaka pohar hubidha kora...3/ taoluko honssthapon r babe bikheb poribekh gothon kora totha taolukor kormathan nissitya kora.4/ taolukok protimahe sarkar r pora anudann agbohuwa 5/ taolukok homajor hokute ag-vg lobloi akhan rokhuwa..rajneeti,hikkhya,hahitya hokalute dokhyata thoka lukok upjukta ssthan diya