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Logo Design Competition For Assam Skill Development Mission (ASDM)

Start Date: 06-05-2017
End Date: 07-06-2017

Skill development is one of the ideal ways to ensure justified and optimum utilisation of human resource. However, this is possible only when the right type of education ...

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Skill development is one of the ideal ways to ensure justified and optimum utilisation of human resource. However, this is possible only when the right type of education accompanies. Assam currently faces a huge skilled manpower gap which escalates the issue of unemployment to a great extent.
The initiative of Assam Skill Development Mission (ASDM) has been undertaken by the Government of Assam with a view to addressing these challenges of creating skill development, employment, and entrepreneurship opportunities within the state. The objective of this mission is to amplify the income levels of the youth of Assam, thereby raising the socioeconomic status of the State.
ASDM functions as an Apex Body, which focuses on skill development activities in public as well as private sectors. Job readiness being a mighty calling in a person’s career, ASDM also prepares short-term and long-term skill plans for the youth to make them more employable. Aiming towards yielding meaningful employment, this Apex Body nurtures a vision to increase the capacity and capability of the system to deliver quality skill training.
The Competition
Assam Skill Development Mission (ASDM), Government of Assam invites entries from interested persons for a logo design competition. This logo, which would be used in the official website of ASDM, shall help the mission establish its unique identity. In a world that is going digital, the logo will also help the mission leave a digital footprint of its actions, communications, and contributions manifested on the Internet.

Last Date: - 06-06-2017
Winner will get:- 20,000 and a certificate

Click here for Guidelines, Technical Parameters, and Terms and Conditions.

All Comments
Total Submissions ( 147) Approved Submissions (132) Submissions Under Review (15) Submission Closed.
132 Record(s) Found

Palash Barua 7 years 9 months ago

This logo aims to depict growth,progress and sustainable development which go hand in hand with skilled and trained labor in both new and traditional technology which is shown by the mechanized gear and the green progressive graph.Below these is shown a Japi,Depicting the need of a strong cultural foundation to grow on,to sustain it.The crossed pencil and wrench in the background depicts the need of fundamental basic educational and vocational training to achieve this goal of a better future.


Priyanka Kotoky 7 years 9 months ago

The logo symbolizes new ideas, innovations, development and gradual success, and optimum utilization of human resource for the betterment of Assam and India as a whole. The colours: saffron,white,green and blue depicts our national flag, representing Assam as an integral part of India. The bearing with 3 steps (also illustrating a light bulb) symbolizes innovations trough skills. The humans holding hands, alongwith the symbols of various skills depicts our skillful human resource of our Assam.


Swagat Baruah 7 years 9 months ago

The middle of this logo that means inside the map of Assam represents what is skill. It shows the transformation of clay to bricks and than from bricks to a house through skill.

Now, the things that are arrowed are the things that shows the developed sectors and what more should be developed through skill.

Thank you.


Soniya Ratan 7 years 9 months ago

The idea behind the logo is that skill development is greatly entwined with education. Proper skill development is possible only with the right kind of education and training. Since the Assam Skill Development Mission is aimed at providing proper training and enhancing the technical abilities of an individual, we have highlighted the coordinated roles of the mission.


Bijayata Dutta 7 years 9 months ago

The first component of the logo is a nib, which symbolizes education through literacy. As literacy helps an individual gain proper understanding of technology, it becomes an essential part of training. The second component of the logo is a set of tools. However the tools here refer not only to the basic workman tools, it also symbolizes all those means which can be used to develop skills. These tools can be computers, machines, rigs, vehicles etc.


Chandan Saikia 7 years 9 months ago

This logo represents that all the people bonded by their won skill and if they develop it they will be benefited one day, and Assam Skill Development Mission do that for their great success.


MOUSUMI SAHA 7 years 9 months ago

This logo represents transformation of a youth with quality education & training.