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How to reduce food waste?

Start Date: 14-10-2020
End Date: 31-10-2020

Food is our basic need and essential for our survival. In spite of it being a crucial need for our sustenance, there are many people who do not have access to safe and nutritious ...

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খাদ্য অপচয় কেনেদৰে ৰোধ কৰিব?

Food is our basic need and essential for our survival. In spite of it being a crucial need for our sustenance, there are many people who do not have access to safe and nutritious food on a daily basis. As per a study published in 2011 by FAO, each year approximately one-third of all food produced for human consumption in the world is lost or wasted. This not only affects a country economically but also puts an unnecessary strain on the environment.

As such, it has become essential to keep consumption habits in check. There are several ways to avoid food wastes such as buying only those food which we need, planning meals ahead of a visit to the grocery/supermarket, using leftovers in innovative recipes, storing food in sealed containers, etc. Along with reducing our food waste, we also need to be mindful of the fact that everytime we are contributing to this global crisis, someone somewhere is struggling to meet his/her daily nutritional requirements.
On the occasion of World Food Day, share with us your habits and tips to store food properly and reduce food waste through innovative ways. To share your thoughts, comment below.

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7 Record(s) Found

Rupam Urang 4 years 5 months ago

১ প্ৰয়োজন আৰু সামৰ্থ অনুসাৰে খাদ্য লোৱা।
২ ৰাহি হোৱা খাদ্যবোৰক অন্য কামত বা পুনৰাবৰ্তন কৰিবলৈ যত্ন কৰা।
৩ পুষ্টিকৰ খাদ্য গ্ৰহণ কৰাৰ প্ৰতি ধ্যান দিয়া।
৪ কম ঠাইত কৰিব পৰা শাক-পাচলি উৎপাদন কৰাৰ প্ৰতি ধ্যান দিয়া।
৫ অত্যন্ত গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ আৰু প্ৰয়োজনীয় হোৱা খাদ্যবোৰক আগ্ৰধিকাৰ দিয়া।
৬ খাদ্য বস্তুৰ নাটনি আৰু সংৰক্ষণৰ বিষয়ে সমাজ আৰু নিজ সন্তানবোৰক সজাগ কৰা।


DrRanjit Kumar Nath 4 years 5 months ago

Food is precious, wasted of food means someone depriving.we should take care each other, life gets only once-in-a-lifetimeot serve each other


Khusboo Agarwal 4 years 5 months ago

Blending up a nutrient-packed smoothie can be a delicious way to reduce food waste.for example The stems of greens like kale and chard are packed with fiber and nutrients, making them a great addition to smoothies. The tops of beets, strawberries and carrots also make great add-ins.

a nutritious blend, including fruit and vegetable peels, wilted herbs, overripe bananas and chopped broccoli stalks.


JAYANTA TOPADAR 4 years 5 months ago

Take that much food item on your 'thali', what you can consume. Better to cook food according to the need, so as to save wastage of Annapurna.