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“Bishnu Rava Geet” Online Competition

Start Date: 18-06-2020
End Date: 20-06-2020

Assam’s cultural icon Bishnu Prasad Rava was a man of multiple talents. His contributions to the field of music, acting, art, theatre, dance, literature, etc., have been ...

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Assam’s cultural icon Bishnu Prasad Rava was a man of multiple talents. His contributions to the field of music, acting, art, theatre, dance, literature, etc., have been noteworthy. As a sincere tribute to the timeless creations of Bishnu Prasad Rava on his death anniversary on June 20, MyGov Assam in association with Cultural Affairs Department is organising a “Bishnu Rava Geet” online competition for students.
To participate, share your tribute video exclusively with MyGov Assam performing Bishnu Rava Geet via email at

Group A: Class IV-VII
Group B: Class VIII-X
Last date of submission: June 20, 12 Midnight

Three winners will be selected from both groups. Winners will receive cash prizes along with an appreciation certificate signed by Hon’ble CM Shri Sarbananda Sonowal.

Group A & B
1st Prize: Rs 3000
2nd Prize: Rs 2000
3rd Prize: Rs 1000

Terms & Conditions

Videos made in mobile are also eligible
Audio recordings are not eligible
Videos should be sent to
Use of musical instrument is not necessary
Along with video, participant’s name, address, phone number, class and name of school should be written in the e-mail
Only one song per candidate will be taken into consideration
Quality of the video should be good
Decision of judges is final

The video should be exclusively sent to MyGov Assam and not shared in social media platforms

All Comments
Total Submissions ( 4) Approved Submissions (2) Submissions Under Review (2) Submission Closed.
2 Record(s) Found

Dharmendra Kumar 4 years 8 months ago

O Great poet o great man
My heart not accept
That you are gone
From where no one return
Your memories still run
O one of the Assam great son
I remember you and bow my head
For those great work you have done
Tribute to you with all my deep heart