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Positive Takeaway from COVID-19 ‘Stay at Home’ Period

Start Date: 05-05-2020
End Date: 30-09-2020

In order to contain the spread of COVID-19 among people, countries all over the world are observing partial or complete lockdown, thus bringing an abrupt change to our regular way ...

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In order to contain the spread of COVID-19 among people, countries all over the world are observing partial or complete lockdown, thus bringing an abrupt change to our regular way of living. We are suddenly obliged to stay indoors for our own safety as well that of others. While a new change might bring a lot of challenges, it is also true that it had some positive sides and may have more. From making us aware of the importance of using our resources carefully to giving us an opportunity to connect with our inner selves, this crucial period has taught us to appreciate life as it is. As we move forward with hope, we can now apply whatever we learnt from this situation to other aspects of life in the near future as well.

So, let's take a moment to ruminate and share with MyGov Assam, a few positive things which you have come across during this pandemic and which you also plan to continue in the future. Share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.

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59 Record(s) Found

JAYANTA TOPADAR 4 years 9 months ago

ये समय बड़ा कठिन है,मगर
हम इंसान भी किसी से कम नहीं!
यूँ कोविड-19 से अपनी ज़रा-सी
असावधानी की वजह से मात न खा जाना...!
बस दो गज की दूरी बरतना और अपने हाथों को हमेशा साफ रखना...।
बेमतलब की झूठी एवं एकतरफा मसालेदार खबरों से अपना विचार न बदल देना..
इस बात पर हमेशा गौर करना कि क्या हक़ीक़त है और क्या झूठ है।


JAYANTA TOPADAR 4 years 9 months ago

During my "Stay-at-Home" period, I have been allowing my hobby of writing a wing of imagination and innovative reorganisation.In true sense, these days of "No Unnecessary Movement" has changed the whole structure of human life and it is a golden opportunity to widen up all the possible thoughts for a fruitful life.
To be frank, where there is an honest will-power to work for a better life. There is the meaning of a complete life.


JAYANTA TOPADAR 4 years 9 months ago

वक्त का तक़ाज़ा है
वक्त रहते ही संभल जाओ...!
घर से बेमतलब बाहर निकलने की
ऐसी भूल न करो...
कि लेने-के-देने न पड़ जाए!

इस बात को अपने षष्ठ इंद्रियों को
सजग कर समझ जाओ,
वरना बहुत देर हो जाएगी...
कोरोना वायरस से बचपना न करो...!
सरकारी निर्देश का बखूबी पालन करो
और दो गज की दूरी क़ायम रखो।
कोरोना योद्धाओं का पूरा सम्मान करो...
वे कर्मयोगी हैं जिनके बदौलत हमलोग ज़िन्दगी जी रहे हैं...
सलाम चिकित्सा सेवाव्रती महान दल के सदस्यों को!!!