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Digitial Education: How to make the best out of it

Start Date: 04-11-2019
End Date: 31-12-2019

Every year on November 11, National Education Day is celebrated in India to commemorate the birth anniversary of the first education minister of independent India, Maulana Abul ...

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Every year on November 11, National Education Day is celebrated in India to commemorate the birth anniversary of the first education minister of independent India, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. Azad, who served from 1947 to 1958, laid the building blocks of the education system in India.
With the advent of digital media, education sector in India has undergone massive transformation in the past one decade. However, there are certain cons associated with the advancement of digital media in the education sector. Dependency on smartphones, internet for content, plagiarism, etc. have slowly started to plague the young minds. A fine balance is required in using digital media and technology as a tool to understand a subject better instead of using it as a crutch to move forward in life.
MyGov Assam seeks your valuable suggestion as to how one can achieve this balance by using digital media as a means and not as an end in itself.

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Bhawna 5 years 3 months ago

2. Being Digitally Updated
In a tech-savvy world, education can become easily outdated, as there is always something new happening. Equipping students to be updated with news and other subject-related topics is the best way to teach students to grow as a person. Students spend most of their time on their laptops, their phones, and their iPads. Knowing what sources students can refer to, online, and knowing which websites offer the best information can be a great way to guide students


Bhawna 5 years 3 months ago

1. Smart Class
Teaching with a whiteboard, chalk, and markers are now a thing of the past, and teachers have shifted to making use of projectors, VCD, DVD players and eLearning system to display tutorial videos and short sessions online to help understand that learning can be fun too. Many schools now come with a TV or a projector attached to their whiteboard where it is easy to shift from a normal classroom session to an interactive digital session.


Bhawna 5 years 3 months ago

How Digital Education Is Transforming Teaching Methods
Schools are slowly looking at technology as an opportunity to develop teaching methods and resonate with students on a technology level. Regardless of age, almost everyone owns a smartphone. Google is our library, and Wikipedia is our encyclopedia. Thesaurus is our dictionary, and Kindle is our textbook. At a time like this, learning to change our teaching methods by incorporating technology


Bhawna 5 years 3 months ago

Digital education making way into education sysytem
Gone are the days when classroom training was restricted to textbook learning, teachers using the blackboard to students writing notes in copies. Its more chalk and talk in most schools. Digital education is making its way into the education system of India and is taking the place of the traditional classroom training.


Bhawna 5 years 3 months ago

Today's learners now enjoy easier, more efficient access to information; opportunities for extended and mobile learning; the ability to give and receive immediate feedback; and greater motivation to learn and engage


Bhawna 5 years 3 months ago

technology keeps on advancing and it is becoming very essential in our lives. People make use of it every day to improve on the way they accomplish specific tasks, and this is making them look smarter. It is being used in various sectors for example, the way we use technology in classrooms to improve the learning methods of students and to make the teachers job easier.


Bhawna 5 years 3 months ago

It is helpful to plan digital education approaches at the course or programme design stage. Considering what digital technologies to use during the design (or re-design) stage gives the course and programme teams an opportunity to adopt digital education approaches that suit their particular context.


Bhawna 5 years 3 months ago

Approaches to Digital Education
Examples of some of the approaches to Digital Education can be found in the Teaching Matters Blog - Digital Education theme

The 2018 Learning and Teaching conference had a Digital Education theme and the programme highlights some innovative practices in teaching and learning from across the University. The keynotes and other conference resources are available on the conference website.


Bhawna 5 years 3 months ago

Online Learning
Online learning offers many benefits for students, including the chance to study flexibly and from a location that suits.

Many of the benefits of online learning are outlined in more detail on the University's Postgraduate Online Learning website.

See the online learning pages for more information about online learning and the support available

Online learning


Bhawna 5 years 3 months ago

Digital education is the innovative use of digital tools and technologies during teaching and learning, and is often referred to as Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) or e-Learning. Exploring the use of digital technologies gives educators the opportunity to design engaging learning opportunities in the courses they teach, and these can take the form of blended or fully online courses and programmes.