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Digitial Education: How to make the best out of it

Start Date: 04-11-2019
End Date: 31-12-2019

Every year on November 11, National Education Day is celebrated in India to commemorate the birth anniversary of the first education minister of independent India, Maulana Abul ...

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Every year on November 11, National Education Day is celebrated in India to commemorate the birth anniversary of the first education minister of independent India, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. Azad, who served from 1947 to 1958, laid the building blocks of the education system in India.
With the advent of digital media, education sector in India has undergone massive transformation in the past one decade. However, there are certain cons associated with the advancement of digital media in the education sector. Dependency on smartphones, internet for content, plagiarism, etc. have slowly started to plague the young minds. A fine balance is required in using digital media and technology as a tool to understand a subject better instead of using it as a crutch to move forward in life.
MyGov Assam seeks your valuable suggestion as to how one can achieve this balance by using digital media as a means and not as an end in itself.

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82 Record(s) Found

Amit Devendra Ojha 5 years 2 months ago

Digital literacy is one component which makes a child responsible for how they utilize technology to interact with the world around them, what are the new knowledge gaining areas that they can be well-versed with etc. Also there are so many online websites that have competitions which are knowledge gaining platforms for kids where they can compete as well as learn intellectually.


Amit Devendra Ojha 5 years 2 months ago

They need to be taught basics, challengers and accelerators like how they can use internet apart from playing games to garner knowledge. Now days there are online lessons through which kids can individually learn multiple activities. They need to be cyber safe online with all the dangerous threats and at the same time be productive & constructive.


Amit Devendra Ojha 5 years 2 months ago

When learning internet programs, kids understand and innovate with the digital world they inhabit. Today’s children are born into a technology-based society and learn how to access the internet at a very early age. As parents, it’s our responsibility to talk to them about the pros and cons of Internet, teach them safe Internet habits, and use strategies to help them do so safely.


Amit Devendra Ojha 5 years 2 months ago

Technology is not all about playing games online or watching animated videos etc. The benefits of technology depend on the way children, parents and teachers choose to use it to enhance learning. When used well for educational purposes, the latest technologies can help create opportunities for more active and meaningful learning experiences.


Amit Devendra Ojha 5 years 2 months ago

Each and every Indian citizen starting with children should be digitally independent for which we need to create a digital infrastructure as a utility to every child. It is one thing to know how to use these technologies. The importance of technology in schools is so evident in today’s generation that students who are not computer savvy will struggle in their future professions, as most tasks in competing with others require some type of computer work


Amit Devendra Ojha 5 years 2 months ago

Kids are growing up in a very different world than that of their parents. Cell phones, computers, YouTube, Netflix, and Facebook are embedded in their daily lives. Even toys are digital, and many are programmable. When we talk about digital India a dream perceived by Mr Modi, we can think of complete digitalization.


TAPAN KUMAR MALLIK 5 years 2 months ago

Digital education will be the best tools to boost deductions in rural areas but at the same time we must not forget the moral eductions can only be delivered by human being.